May 6-10, 2024

May 6-10, 2024

Click for a PDF version   Monday Read Revelation 1:12-18; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 21:7-11      Before commencing the 1 and 2 Kings series next week, let’s revisit how we began 2024: Epiphany, considering the One called “Son of Man” 82 times throughout the New Testament. Among Jews, the long-awaited Messiah was “the Son of...

April 29 – May 3, 2024

April 29 – May 3, 2024

Click for PDF version   Monday Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7; Luke 15:17-24; Psalm 103:13-14       The God of All Comfort Paul begins his second letter to the Corinthians with praise. After identifying himself and Timothy as the authors of this letter and greeting the believers in Corinth, who were the recipients, they begin...

April 22 – 26, 2024

April 22 – 26, 2024

Click for PDF version   Monday Read Galatians 6:2       “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) Paul has been talking about life in the Spirit. He continues to talk about the true law of the Spirit, which is the law of Christ....

April 15 – 19, 2024

April 15 – 19, 2024

Click for PDF version   Monday Read Romans 5:12-21      God’s surprising but wonderful choice How does our interdependence with God and others help us with loneliness?  First of all, someone might say that God is too big to be dependent on anyone else. He is complete in Himself and doesn’t need anyone or...

April 8 – 12, 2024

April 8 – 12, 2024

Click for PDF version   Monday Read Genesis 1:26-28      Created for Community Our God is triune, three in one—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—existing in perfect unity and fellowship. This divine fellowship within the Trinity serves as the ultimate model for community.  When God created humanity, we were created in God’s own image, reflecting...

April 1 – 5, 2024

April 1 – 5, 2024

Click for a PDF version   Monday Read Genesis 1:26-27; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27      “Let Us make [humankind]  in our image, after Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26, emphasis added). God Himself is relational; He created us for community. God’s own triunity reveals community: the communion of Father, Word of God, and Holy Spirit...

March 25 – 30, 2024

March 25 – 30, 2024

Click for a PDF version   Holy Monday Read Matthew 21:18-22     People praising Jesus with singing and tree branches on the road was over, and what a day it had been. This was indeed the Son of David entering the most Holy of cities, Jerusalem. It seemed it could not have been better—but...

March 18 – 22, 2024

March 18 – 22, 2024

Click for a PDF version   Monday Read John 13:1-17     On December 9, 1917, General Sir Edmund Allenby, commander of British forces—after capturing the city of Jerusalem during World War I—rode his horse to the Jaffa Gate to enter Jerusalem to accept the surrender of the city from the Ottoman mayor of the...

March 11 – 15, 2024

March 11 – 15, 2024

Click for PDF version   Monday Read Genesis 3:1-19; Romans 5:12; 8:19-23     Skeptics’ leading criticisms of Christian beliefs include the challenge, “If God is good, loving, all-powerful and sovereign, why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?” Interestingly, this is a great place to meet unbelievers where they are. Most...

March 4 – 8, 2024

March 4 – 8, 2024

Click for a PDF version   Monday Read 1 John 4:7-12; John 13:34-35    Appreciating God’s Amazing Love In his first letter to an unspecified Christian community, John makes several profound statements about the nature of God’s love: love (biblically, “unconditionally wanting nothing but the best for another”) comes from God (1 John 4:7); God...