Click for a PDF version Monday James 1:1-8; John 7:1-5; Acts 1:12-14 Today’s devo kicks off Glenkirk’s teaching series in the book of James. This week’s theme: putting faith to work amidst suffering. Interestingly, though this son of Joseph and Mary of Nazareth eventually led Jerusalem’s fledgling Christian church, James was originally cynical regarding...
Author: (Venus Wan)
August 23 – 27, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday John 1:1-7, 21-23; 4:34-38; 5:31-40 John the Baptist introduced the world to Jesus. “There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness concerning [Jesus] that light, so that through [John] all might believe.” (John 1:6-7) John the Baptist was like a...
August 16 – 20, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday John 18:37-38 What is truth? When Jesus stood before Pilate, as recorded for us in John 18, He claimed to have come into the world to “testify to the truth” (v. 37). Pilate responded to this by asking a question that has resonated throughout the world ever since:...
August 9 – 13, 2021
Click for a PDF verison Monday John 1:1-4 Physical Life John 14:6 must be one of the best-known verses in John’s Gospel, where Jesus declares Himself to be “the way and the truth and the life.” In our devotions this week, we want to have a look at the LIFE that Jesus promises to...
August 2 – 6, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 5:8; 1 John 2:2 This week’s theme is “loving those different from us.” We will survey this scripturally regarding various groups, considering God’s heart throughout. Start here: Every human was made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). Everyone you have ever met—or will meet—carries the image...
July 26 – 30, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday Malachi 1:1-5 This week we will meditate on the Book of Malachi. Malachi, the last recorded writings of the prophets of the Old Testament, was written around 430 BC. The Jews had been taken captive by the Babylonians around 588 BC. After seventy years of captivity, King Cyrus...
July 19 – 23, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday Daniel 6:1-23 Daniel in the lions’ den is a famous biblical story. However, it is often overlooked that Daniel was an old man when this incident occurred. He had lived faithfully, experiencing Judah’s exile to Babylon as a teenager only to rise to prominence in Babylonian leadership due...
July 12 – 16, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:4-5 Where does Zechariah and his book fit in the history of God’s people? First, the context. The people of God had been stripped of everything (land, temple, homes)—everything except God and their history with God, including their deliverance by Him from Egypt, along with...
July 5 – 9, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday Haggai 1-2 In 538 BC, about fifty thousand Jews left Babylon and returned to their homeland to rebuild the temple and restore the nation. In 536 BC, they laid the foundation of the temple; the work was stopped by their enemies and was not resumed until 520 BC...
June 28 – July 2, 2021
Click for a PDF version Monday Zephaniah 1; Matthew 13:41-43, 24:29 “Zephaniah … [features] the most unpleasant subject in the Bible—the judgment of God. … Zephaniah means ‘hidden of the LORD’ and the prophet [speaks] as if he were a representative of the [faithful] remnant … who will remain true to God … through...