Session / Deacons
Our Deacons are the caregiving front line of our congregation. They are responsible for hospital visitation, care for shut-ins, prayer ministry, funeral arrangements, and hospitality.
CLICK HERE to view Deacon’s Commitment
Hugh Adkins
Robin Adkins
Judy Andrews
Rhonda Barnes
Erin Bennett
Tom Bennett
Christine Boling
Peggy Borzi
Jim Brennan
Lee Anne Brennan
Jenn Damiani
Jill Fleming
Robert Fleming
Blanca Garcia
Carolyn Gordon
Beth Gorski
Margie Hall
Chris Hauk
Gwen Hauk
Beth Hollingsworth
Kevin Hollingsworth
Gloria Ivy
Tom Ivy
Kathy Johnson
Norma Larson
May Lieu
Christy Mathews
Debbi Morgon
Scott Morgon
Julie Nordin
Darren Richer
Gus Richer
Janet Robertson
John Robertson
Jett San Juan
Nicola San Juan
Christine Smith
Leslie Stockham
Cynthia Tinsley
Larry Tinsley
Jon Vannerson
Lia Vannerson
Marjorie Watts
Session is what we call the body of Elders who are responsible for the mission and government of the church. Elders are to pray and work for the growth of all members and for their equipping for ministry through personal and pastoral care. Glenkirk Elders are ordained for life, but are elected to serve on the Session for a term of three years, unless they are filling an unexpired term.
CLICK HERE to view Elder’s Commitment
Jennifer Bohler
Chelle Briggs
Laura Cina
Dottie Crawford
Callista Dawson
Vicki De Smet
Steve Egbert
Bill Ellis
Phyllis Fritz
Jerry Heinrich
Matthew Heller
Kurt Henspeter
Wayne Herman
Jeff Kugel
Leah Olson
Shino Simons
Clint Smith
Adelyn Vo
Kate Wallace Nunneley
Gary Watkins
Jenn Damiani
Director of Guest Relations & Support
CLICK HERE to email Jenn
Clerk of Session
CLICK HERE to email the Clerk